Tuesday, August 02, 2005

There's No Crying ....

How does one pick up the pieces and move on? 2 and 1/2 years of emotional trauma, a bad relationship that everyone tells you is wrong and your logical side agrees, but you hold on, never letting go, unable to let go. Now it is finally over and you are still unable to let go, move on. Although, it doesn't make it any easier knowing they are happy without you. They have moved on, and there you sit on the couch, alone every night watching Sex and the City with your dog. But what else is there to do? Every where you turn is a dead end, no where no meet a new person, the rebound person, that desperately needed rebound person. There's that word...Desperate. How did this happen to you? Thought you were strong, thought this would never happen to you, always telling other people how to be strong and then not being able to do it yourself. Then there's the good friends - "It's not you" "You deserve better". Do you? You'd like to think so but everything is makes you feel otherwise. Do you change something - get a new job...move...? What will make it easier, anything? "Give it time" they say...how much time? Why can't we wake up and use our logic to convince our heart to let go and move on? Why be granted the ability to rationalize if you can't really put it to good use.
This is the rambling of a recently single 29-year-old who knows better. I'm smart and know good things come to those who wait...but I don't want to. Damn it, I'm selfish. And yes, I do deserve better.


Anonymous said...

Being on the verge of divorce, for many of the same reasons, I know exactly how you feel.

Girls night. SOON.

The Judge said...

J -

We may think he's a tool, but you spent a lot of time with him and invested some life in him; the fact that it's hard on you and that you miss him and you haven't moved on just shows that you're a good person with a heart.

So I guess we know what it means about him that he's already moved on.

To hell with him. Good luck finding someone as smart and interesting as you who's willing to deal with his trash.
