Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I don't want to work anymore. I'm tired and bored and have things to do but I just don't want to. So I starting thinking about things I could do after work. Not just tonight, but something that could help occupy my time, a hobby. I hate the gym, well hate is a strong word. I'm not a big fan of the gym. I know it is good for you, but I just don't like to go. I do enjoy working out once I get there though. Does that make any sense? Anyway, I thought about going back to school, but that's a whole other thought battle. Aside from it being too late to go back for this semester, I have no idea where I would go, what I would go for or how I would afford it. There's always the business avenue, how dull would that be? Then I always think about going back into Surgical Technology. Or maybe for Radiology. But those programs have strict schedules and I could not work full-time and do that. That is my dilemma. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. What do I do with myself after work? What other classes could I take that are not necessarily part of a specific program. Perhaps another language. I started French, but never really learned it, maybe now is my chance. Or maybe Italian or Spanish or all of them. Ooh, how about sign language, I've always wanted to learn that and I already know the alphabet... Do I need to go to a community college for something like that? How much would it cost? These are the things that bring me down. Why does everything have to cost money? Is nothing in this world free anymore (besides my plane ticket to MN after 12 years of saving airline miles)? Does anybody else have any cool clubs or groups to recommend? I'm getting tired of sitting on my couch every night. I've already watched every season of Sex and the City over again. What's next?

Yours truly,
Lonely and bored


Unknown said...

Well, I have the Uber-TiVo so, I never run out of TV. That being said, I know Community College is pretty cheap... just that whole what to do thing. Well, good luck on figuring out something to do.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same dilemma as you. Well, I start school on Monday but then I'll be a lot busier. It seems like I used to have stuff to do, but now every night I sit at home watching TV. I've thought about volunteering. I think a class would be fun, but might be a lot of work. I took a programming class at OCC once and it was hard, but cheap.

Maybe you should have a baby at the same time as Jessica so they can play together. That'd give you something to do.

The Judge said...

Who are all these random dudes who comment on your blog?

Maybe we could start a club. Me, you, Jessica and Sarah (when she's not working) could start going for walks in the evenings. Or something like that. Since we all live so close and are all broke.


Jackie said...

As bored as I may be, I have to veto the baby idea, sorry Ryan. As for Beckie's idea, I'd be up for something like that. I try to take the puppy for a walk but it's usually just around that block and that takes a whole 15 minutes. We should discuss further...

The Judge said...

Further discussion agreed upon. Even if it's not walking. We can make some other kind of club. Like the Physics Club, where we discuss physics and properties of physics.

Or we could have a makeup club where we try out different looks in anticipation of all the fabulous events we go to.


Jessica B. said...

If we start a club then I think we should totally have a banquet at the end of the year where we get dressed up. But not get high cause only burnouts like Judd Nelson get high. And I'll borrow my mom's shoes.

The Judge said...

My cousin got high once. He started eating all these really weird foods.


The W-spot said...

I would be interested in joining a club. I don't think there should be membership dues though. It could be like the Red hat society where when we go out we have to wear like combat boots or something. But I do work at least 4 days at Panera so my time is limited.

The Judge said...

Well, we'll have our club meetings when Sarah's not working. And we can wear combat boots if you want, but I don't have them anymore.

We could have one night a week where we each bake something and then just hang out.
