Thursday, August 18, 2005

Swedish Anyone?

No, I didn't forget the word meatballs. I cannot seem to find a good Swedish to English translator online. Any help with this is appreciated. I need to know what the following note says (I can guess it has something to do with an address):

Subject: FW: medlemstidning

Hej Jackie!

Vi är på väg och skicka ut medlemstidningen Servicetalk till dig, men saknar adress. Kan du ge mig en adress så kan jag skicka den till dig.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Marcus Aveholt
itSMF Sweden


The Judge said...

He is going to send you a Servicetalk membership but he doesn't have your address. He wants you to give him an address to send it to.


Anonymous said...

looks like you got an answer. i do have a friend who speaks some norwegian - not sure if that's close enough to swedish but it's worth a shot. also, we could go to ikea when you get here and see if they can help. yes i am being a smart a$$. thanks.

Jackie said...

Beckie, I didn't know you could speak Swedish!?!? Wow :-)

The Judge said...

I don't. :P But I was able to translate it using an online dictionary.

Swedish. Ja, right.
