Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Let's Light Up

I recall watching Tom and Jerry as a child and I remember laughing. I do not remember the urge to light up because Tom (a cartoon cat) was smoking a cigar (a cartoon cigar). Maybe that's because I received an education as well. I understood that a cartoon of a smoking cat was not real and in no way was telling me I should smoke. Maybe that's because I had parents that contributed to my education and explained to me the smoking was bad and cartoon were not real. I get angered when I read articles like this because in this day in age, no body takes responsibility for their children. They point fingers and blame cartoons and music and movie for their children's behavior. Maybe if they got of their keysters and spent time with their kids, we could enjoy all forms of entertainment, even classic, silly cartoons...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This infuriates me. It reminds me of the news story I read where people were b*tching, essentially, about Cookie Monster making their kids eat a lot of cookies and get fat. So stupid!
Raise your own dang kids instead of expecting TV to do it for you!