Due to a very strange dream I had a couple nights ago that involved my nemesis from college - I have been thinking about those four years and decided to tell my story for those of you who have never heard it. Ready?
Year 1My first few weeks at MSU were spent in dorm room with two roommates that I did not know. I can't recall where they were from, but they were a little more on the snooty side. I did think they were nice at first, but after a few days we had decided that I would move out into another room because we were provided the option. Unfortunately, I could not move out right away so I was stuck there for a few more days. During these days, the "nice" girls turned on me and suddenly treated me as an outcast. One day I come home from class and they had started packing my things already! Needless to say, when I moved out I was relieved.
I was lucky enough to get a room with a roommate who was never there. The only thing she had in the room was a hairpiece in her desk (which scared me when I found it). She didn't have any clothes there because she lived with her boyfriend in another dorm. It was wonderful to have my own space and not have to pay for it. During the weeks to come I ended up spending a lot of time with a girl I had graduated high school with (Lisa). She hated her roomie situation as well. So at the end of the first semester when my roommate officially moved into her boyfriend's dorm, Lisa moved in with me. Everything was ok at first, but half way through the semester something happened. I became friends with girls on my floor who apparently were not friends with another girl on our floor (Bobbi). Bobbi and Lisa had become friends and they shunned me for hanging with the other girls. Although they remained somewhat friendly to me for the rest of the year, it was awkward. When we discussed the living arrangement for the next year, Bobbi and Lisa decided to live together and I was once again on my own.
Year 2I had a new roommate who was a freshman, I forget her name even though she was a good roommate. She was from Grosse Ile and she hung out with her friends a lot and wasn't home much. I was good friends with the same girls as the year before with Bobbi and Lisa as my neighbors. We never spoke. Year 2 was a fun year. I had finally found good friends, we partied and played cards. We hung out with the guys on our brother floor a lot also. I had a big crush (Ron). He was a great guy, nice and funny. I didn't make a move but he knew I liked him. We just were always friends. I had a crush of my own, my friend Chris asked me out, but I didn't feel that way so we just stayed friends. During year 2 I got a job working at the various parking lots as a booth attendant. It was a good job being able to study during the late shifts. The only draw back was my ex from high school (Tim) happened to work as a "team leader". We really didn't have any hard feeling against each other, that again, was just another awkward situation. At the end of year 2 I had convinced my parents to let me move off campus. I signed to live in a house with 8 other people. I had no idea what I was getting myself into :)
Year 3Our house was perfect. 6 bedrooms, four kitchens, 4 bathrooms. I lived upstairs in a room with Lora. We had our own mini-apartment with one of the kitchens and a bathroom. Across the hall lived Ron (yes, my crush) and Stephanie. On the main floor was Chris, Scott and Julie. In the basement Dan and his girlfriend, Roz. We all got along very well. We had several parties. This was the year that I got Lora a job working as a booth attendant as well. Chris still had a crush on me, and I was teased by my other roomies because I did get special treatment even though I never asked for anything. Since Dan and Roz wanted their own place and Julie and Chris were getting different arrangements, Lora, Ron, Scott and myself got a different house for year 4.
Year 4This year started out ok. But about half way through the first semester things took a turn for the worst. Lora had a cousin who liked me. He was nice, but I liked this other guy from work. One night we had a party and Lora's cousin was there, but I ended up leaving the party to go be with the guy I liked. Apparently, that was totally unacceptable and I was instantly branded as a bitch by Lora. She made my life a living hell. Since she worked with the same people I did, she would tell untrue stories about me behind my back and make people loathe me without ever even meeting me. She also got in good with my ex from high school who then also decided it would be fun to smear my reputation for no reason at all. It was the worst year of my life, every weekend I would drive home so I didn't have to be in that house. Even my other roommates would ignore me if Lora was in the room. They never stood up for me and that hurt really bad too. To this day I have no clue what I did to deserve the horrible treatment...I find it hard to believe that not liking someone as more then a friend is such a horrible, bitchy thing.
Needless to say I do not talk to anybody I went to college with. I did talk to Ron once about a year later, but we did not keep in touch. Never saw Scott or Lora again. But strangely, she was the one in my dream the other night. She is the one person I can say I hate. Hate is a strong word and I do not use it lightly - but for her I mean it (oh, and Tim too, he's an ass). I would probably even run them over if I ever saw them again...well, not really, but the thought would enter cross my mind.
So, the only thing I learned in college - people can be evil. That is probably why my list of friends is small. It is very hard to find truly honest/kind/caring people. I thank all of you that care about me and support me.