Tuesday, October 04, 2005

If it weren't for the stupid internet, I wouldn't be half as in debt as I am today! I hate that I can sit on my butt and still spend money. I wish I didn't have my credit card number memorized; I wish I didn't have internet at work. I'd save a lot of money that way!!

I just won an auction on eBay for a Canon PowerShot SD200 digital camera. I am very excited because I've wanted a digital camera for a long time time, but when you go to the stores they only sell the newest, fanciest ones for $400. But you see, I don't need/want a 700 megapixel, 5000MB memory camera. The one I got is 3.2 megapixels and a 16MB SD memory card (which I might need to upgrade). I am very happy with my purchase and hope to have it for the limo extravaganza this Saturday, but I probably won't. I just hope there are plenty of other cameras to capture the shenanigans.

Anyone else watching the new TV show on Fox, Prison Break? I got sucked into it last week when my roommate was watching it and I had nothing else to do but watch it as well. Of course, it was part one of two so I had to watch last night to see the end. I like the show because it is intriguing to me, but it also bothers me. In the last two episodes there was a prison riot. A female doctor was trapped by crazy inmates trying to break into the room she was in so they could do bad, bad things to her. But she was saved by a good inmate (he got himself thrown into jail to help break his brother out {that is the main plot of the show}). I just watched the whole show shaking my head back & forth because I can't fathom how crazy people can be. Yes, this is a fictional show, but I know real prison riots have to be scary - crazy killers and rapists running free beating up innocent guards just because they can. On the show, there is one 'evil' guy (he's the one that leads the gang who preys on the young, new inmates for 'pleasure'). Well, he wanted to kill a guard but the other inmates said no. They let the guard go but the evil guy killed him anyway. I do not understand why the good inmates (good compared to other inmates, not normal people) never killed the evil guy. It was a freakin' riot, would who know (or care). I hope they kill him soon.

Anyway, I think that is all for now. I am at work and should be working. (Oh, I had my review today and it went really well. I finally feel like my boss likes me and really appreciates the work I do. She refered to me as her life-line...guess that's pretty good job security, eh? I just wish I still wasn't afraid to ask to work from home from time-to-time.)


Anonymous said...

I don't really understand the logic of committing a felony to get into prison, just to break out. Even if his brother shouldn't have been in prison, the guy still committed a crime and is going to go back. PLUS, even if they didn't do anything wrong, it's a felony to break out of prison. Maybe I've overanalyzed it, but I can't believe I'm the only one.

Anonymous said...

evil people scare me. congrats on the good review :)
if you're interested, i think we have a couple SD cards in varying sizes that we could give you. we don't use them anymore because our new digital camera doesn't take them, so they are just sitting somewhere (not that i know where, but i could find them) not being used. let me know! i think one of them is like 256MB. ~jess