Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sorry Joey

Well, tonight is the premiere of Alias. I am very excited; however, I am also bummed at the same time. I was one of the loyal watchers of Joey until tonight (I know there weren't many). I know that show gets borderline ratings/reviews, but I was entertained by it. However, when faced with the conflict that I am, Alias is second to none. I'm interested in how the pregnancy will be written in...although if she still gets her butt kicked on a weekly basis I will be annoyed since pregnant women shouldn't be kickboxing bad guys, ya know? I will probably still watch even if she does though, because the show is just plain addicting. Tick, it 8:00 yet??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was invited to a poker game tonight and I declined to watch Alias. Wow. I'm lame.