Thursday, March 01, 2007

Worry Wart

Ok, so I get a message today that someone has bad news for me but says they're not going to tell me until they see me (which is 9 hours away). So, I'm sitting here going over in my head all the possible things it could be. Trying to think of things that might seem bad but really aren't - but I'm not having any luck. I'm sitting here thinking the worst because that is my nature. I'm not a positive/optimistic person. I can root others on and tell them over and over to think positive, but when it comes to my own siutations - the worst is the only thing I think about. Maybe it is a good thing, because then I build it up to be so horrible and when I find out the truth, it's not so bad. But that's not good for the 9 hours I sit here angry and miserable, giving myself a headache, feeling sick and not eating...

I hope everyone has a beautiful day - for me, the worst is yet to come.

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