Monday, February 13, 2006

Jimmy Johns

As I sit and finish my Jimmy John's sub (Turkey Tom - mmm) I'm thinking about all of the things I should be doing, but have decided to do none of them. I'm so burned out, I don't care anymore. Since I'm not swamped right now I could accomplish a few things but just don't feel like it. So, I'm posting.

This weekend was nice and lazy. Friday night I had Red Lobster for dinner. I hadn't been there since my b-day so it was long overdue. Then I went to see Brokeback Mountain. I thought it was good, the actors did do a superb job. Now I want to see some of the other Oscar-nominated movies. Walk the Line the most. Anyway, after the movie we went home and sat around until about 1 and went to bed. Saturday I went to Target and the mall. I came home and sat on the couch the rest of the night. I watched some college basketball, some Olympics and started reading Harry Potter book 6. By 12:30 I was ready for bed. Sunday was Julie's awesome brunch then dinner at my parents'. Although, I didn't eat dinner because I was stuffed from brunch, so I only had dessert. I came home and read a little then watched Elizabethtown with Sarah before Grey's Anatomy. Good episode, however, I was unhappy with the end. Why would he drive all the way over to her house just to say "I'm glad you didn't die today"? Grrr, he needs to dump his annoying wife and get back with Meredith.

Anyway, now I am at work, doing nothing. I like it that way. I'm going to go look busy now.


Anonymous said...

I also thought it was kind of predictable that the bomb squad guy would get "pink misted" even though they were tolleying the guy around like nothing before they found out about the bomb.

Jackie said...

My thought's also. They got the guy to the hospital in a friggin' ambulance. I'm sure it wasn't a smooth ride... Gotta love TV's idea of reality.