Monday, January 16, 2006

Girl Talk

So, I think I just blew this guy off. I met him just before Christmas. We have hung out a few times; twice at the bar and twice at his place watching sports and movies. He called me Thursday but I really did not feel like going to his house (he's one of those 'come over my place' kind of guys, never seemed like he would come over my place if I had asked). Anyway, so I blew him off on Thursday but recommended that maybe we do something Saturday night. Well, he called me on Saturday but, again, I did not feel like doing anything or going out at all. I did return his call and I left a voicemail that I was tired and not really up for doing anything but to call me and we'd hang out soon. He has yet to call. I think he picked up on my lack of enthusiasm. I fell bad because he's a nice guy, but I guess it's just not there. He doesn't like movies at all (he didn't even know how to use his DVD player). I found that strange only because he didn't really do anything else that would replace the hobby of 'movie watcher'. He watches some sports but not all and he watched CNN a lot. He is currently jobless but not desperate for money. He was older (36) which means more mature. Maybe I'm not mature enough for him because I still played a stupid high school game by leaving a lame message rather just being honest. ??? I guess I could try to call him tonight, but I'm struggling as to why I would call. I feel I would only be leading him on more by spending more time with him. But I hate being the kind of person who just drops the ball. I hated my relationship because it was crap. But I hate being single because it is crappy. Ugh.

1 comment:

The Judge said...

So has he tried to call yet?
