Sunday, January 29, 2006
"Don't go looking for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now."
As usual, Buffalo was fun. Friday night we stayed in. Made home-made pizza and delicious daiquiris with frozen strawberries and peaches, watched SATC and played the SATC Trivia Game. We went to bed at midnight, knowing we had to rest up for our Saturday. Saturday AM we went to Denny's for breakfast. Then we watched the MSU basketball game. After that, we went shopping to the awesome outlet mall. I got a cute, black Coach wristlet purse for the bar. I could have bought a lot more, but am trying to be good. We also went in search of a Deb store and ended up at this faux mall. We think it used to be a normal mall, but 3/4 of the stores were closed/empty and the open stores were weird non-chain stores. There was a Deb but that, a Steve & Barry's and Sears were the only "real" stores there. This place was also the site of a boat show, so there were a lot of boats and jet-skis to look at. They even had a small pool set-up in the food court area, filled with fish, and people were trying to fish. It was quite interesting. We went to Outback for dinner. But because there was a 2 hour wait, we did call-ahead seating and had some drinks at Sara's house (Sara is Anna's co-worker/friend). We started to get buzzed before we even got dinner. At Outback we had a few "WOO"-tinis to continue the buzz. I was very upset because the Outback chain in New York no longer serves crab legs. So I had to settle for the shrimp dinner. From there we got ready for the bar at Anna's and headed for downtown B-town. Somehow we were allowed to skip the line at the first bar and get right in. It was called Sub Zero. The music was good, the drink prices were reasonable, but there were not very many cute boys. Somehow Anna seemed to find more than one for herself though :) We were there until about 2:15. Sarah and I thought we were going home, but when we left Anna dragged us across the street to a ber called Level. I always like that bar. I like the set-up and the music and there are always cute boys. We were there for about 5 minutes when I spotted a cutie on the dancefloor and walked over and started dancing with him. We ended up kissing (which I typically to not like anymore because I'm too old for that and I know I hate it when I see other couples going at it on the dancefloor). But, I had set a goal for myself - meet a cute boy and make-out. I have now been single for 6 months and just wanted to have a little fun. Andrew, 23, was from another part of New York. He is leaving for Texas for 2 1/2 months because he's in the Air Force Reserves. Sarah confirmed that he was cute (because you all know I lose my sense of attractiveness when I drink). Anyway, I had a lot of fun and Anna gave her number to four guys (two of them already called and/or texted her). We closed the bar and headed home around 4am. Sarah and I had to get up at 9am to drive home because Sarah had to work today. She ended being about a half hour late, but she made it in. She's such a trooper. While Sarah was slaving away at work, I laid on the couch and fell asleep. I am now sitting with Darren, Marcus, Malcolm and Torren watching the Piston game. Back to the grind tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. I already went through my 115 emails from Friday so I shouldn't be too far behind starting in the morning. Joy.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
"When they ask me what I liked best, I'll say it was you."
That's the kind of love I want to find.
Anyway, I'm free at last! Well, at least for the next three days. Looking forward to bar hopping in Buffalo. It will be fun.
Answer: City of Angels
Anyway, I'm free at last! Well, at least for the next three days. Looking forward to bar hopping in Buffalo. It will be fun.
Answer: City of Angels
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
"I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen."
Name that movie.
I'm sitting in a meeting right now not doing any work. I have nothing to contribute to this meeting. I have plenty of other work to do, but sitting here doesn't allow me to get any of it done. It's rather annoying/frustrating. I sure hope the movies I ordered last week were delivered today. I want to watch Wedding Crashers again. Ah, I can't wait to go home, sit on my couch with the pups and watch a funny movie.
I'm sitting in a meeting right now not doing any work. I have nothing to contribute to this meeting. I have plenty of other work to do, but sitting here doesn't allow me to get any of it done. It's rather annoying/frustrating. I sure hope the movies I ordered last week were delivered today. I want to watch Wedding Crashers again. Ah, I can't wait to go home, sit on my couch with the pups and watch a funny movie.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
Name that movie.
I'm sitting at work and I really just needed to take a break. I'm so glad I'm off on Friday. I'm head to Buffalo to visit Anna. I hope Sarah can come. The dumb scheduler at her second job put her to work both Saturday and Sunday, even after she told this person she can't work weekends. They have no comprehension that she already works a 40-hour job Monday-Friday and they don't realize that her working on Saturday and Sunday doesn't give her a day of rest! I wish I could go punch her in the nose (the scheduler, not Sarah). Anyway, Sarah must find someone to switch in order to come along. I hope she does.
After Buffalo is Super Bowl week. Is everyone excited? Looking forward to the closed roads and lost tourists? I'm supposed to volunteer during that week, but I'm not sure now. I need to get my uniform for the Super Bowl volunteering and for Julie/Gleaners I need to buy a new wardrobe. Can you believe I don't have khaki pants or a white [mock] turtleneck? I need both to volunteer at the Winter Blast but I really don't have money to go out and buy these things. Now I feel bad. Why does everything have to be a pain in the ass? I just want to help and check out the events - now they seem to be becoming a hassle. I will watch the game just not sure where. My friend in Ypsilanti is having a party at her house, but it's 45 minutes away so I don't know if I want to drive that far but I want to see her, so ???
After the Super Bowl is Vegas. Well, I hope Vegas. My cousin is going to be in Vegas for the opening weekend of the NCAA Tournament. He says Vegas is a lot of fun at that time so I want to go. I just don't know if I need to get a hotel or stay with him & his friends who will already have rooms. Also, I don't know if I want to go alone 'cause I might want to do a few things that my cousin doesn't. Anyone interested? I think it will be March 16-19. Also, a good deal on a flight is required.
Well, I should get back. Maybe I can actually leave work by 5:30 today. Woohoo.
I'm sitting at work and I really just needed to take a break. I'm so glad I'm off on Friday. I'm head to Buffalo to visit Anna. I hope Sarah can come. The dumb scheduler at her second job put her to work both Saturday and Sunday, even after she told this person she can't work weekends. They have no comprehension that she already works a 40-hour job Monday-Friday and they don't realize that her working on Saturday and Sunday doesn't give her a day of rest! I wish I could go punch her in the nose (the scheduler, not Sarah). Anyway, Sarah must find someone to switch in order to come along. I hope she does.
After Buffalo is Super Bowl week. Is everyone excited? Looking forward to the closed roads and lost tourists? I'm supposed to volunteer during that week, but I'm not sure now. I need to get my uniform for the Super Bowl volunteering and for Julie/Gleaners I need to buy a new wardrobe. Can you believe I don't have khaki pants or a white [mock] turtleneck? I need both to volunteer at the Winter Blast but I really don't have money to go out and buy these things. Now I feel bad. Why does everything have to be a pain in the ass? I just want to help and check out the events - now they seem to be becoming a hassle. I will watch the game just not sure where. My friend in Ypsilanti is having a party at her house, but it's 45 minutes away so I don't know if I want to drive that far but I want to see her, so ???
After the Super Bowl is Vegas. Well, I hope Vegas. My cousin is going to be in Vegas for the opening weekend of the NCAA Tournament. He says Vegas is a lot of fun at that time so I want to go. I just don't know if I need to get a hotel or stay with him & his friends who will already have rooms. Also, I don't know if I want to go alone 'cause I might want to do a few things that my cousin doesn't. Anyone interested? I think it will be March 16-19. Also, a good deal on a flight is required.
Well, I should get back. Maybe I can actually leave work by 5:30 today. Woohoo.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Girl Talk
So, I think I just blew this guy off. I met him just before Christmas. We have hung out a few times; twice at the bar and twice at his place watching sports and movies. He called me Thursday but I really did not feel like going to his house (he's one of those 'come over my place' kind of guys, never seemed like he would come over my place if I had asked). Anyway, so I blew him off on Thursday but recommended that maybe we do something Saturday night. Well, he called me on Saturday but, again, I did not feel like doing anything or going out at all. I did return his call and I left a voicemail that I was tired and not really up for doing anything but to call me and we'd hang out soon. He has yet to call. I think he picked up on my lack of enthusiasm. I fell bad because he's a nice guy, but I guess it's just not there. He doesn't like movies at all (he didn't even know how to use his DVD player). I found that strange only because he didn't really do anything else that would replace the hobby of 'movie watcher'. He watches some sports but not all and he watched CNN a lot. He is currently jobless but not desperate for money. He was older (36) which means more mature. Maybe I'm not mature enough for him because I still played a stupid high school game by leaving a lame message rather just being honest. ??? I guess I could try to call him tonight, but I'm struggling as to why I would call. I feel I would only be leading him on more by spending more time with him. But I hate being the kind of person who just drops the ball. I hated my relationship because it was crap. But I hate being single because it is crappy. Ugh.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Well, it's Friday the 13th, the day of Jason. Good thing it's January and cold - no possibility of going camping, having sex in the woods and being hacked to death by a walking dead psychopath. Phew.
Anyway, I really don't have anything to report but I haven't written in awhile. Since I got my good news, I have not done anything. I need to apply for financial aid as soon as possible. My parents are still being funky about the whole thing. For some reason they have it in their head that I will not find a [good] job after school. They really have no idea how I feel about my current job. Although it pays well and I am gaining a lot of good experience, I have a manager that is overbearing and a control-freak. I am sometimes treated like a child, I get annoyed by the hours, it's getting more stressful, there's no possibility of movement because I will be stuck with my manager as long as I stay with this company. I really don't have the flexibility that my other co-workers do (meaning cannot work from home or cannot just leave early due to lack of work, heck it's like pulling teeth to leave an hour or two early the day before a holiday...) I am now doing the work of at least two people if not three. And besides all that, this job is not what I want to do for the next 20 years. Why is that so hard for my parents to understand/accept? Whatever, I will do this because this is what I want and I need to put myself first. You only live once, right?
Anyway, I didn't expect this blog would become a bitch-fest about my job. And understand, I know there are people with much more stressful or annoying jobs than I have. But, I just want to something I like to do because we're talking about the rest of my life. I already regret not finishing school twice. I'm not going to strike out.
*deep breath*
This Saturday I have a Pep Rally to go to. It's because I signed up to volunteer during Super Bowl time. There is something going on at Cobo Hall, some sort of carnival/convention type thing for out-of-towners to entertain themselves while in D-town. Of course, in-towners can go too, but I don't know any details yet. I'll let you all know what it is and when so maybe you can come visit me while I'm doing my volunteer thing. I thought it would be fun and a good way to meet people as well as experience the Super Bowl atmosphere. Maybe I'll meet some handsome, rich guy from out-of-state and my charm will sweep him off his feet and he'll take me to the Super Bowl game and then off to travel the world. Or I'll just make fun people like I do at Cedar Point :)
Anyway, I really don't have anything to report but I haven't written in awhile. Since I got my good news, I have not done anything. I need to apply for financial aid as soon as possible. My parents are still being funky about the whole thing. For some reason they have it in their head that I will not find a [good] job after school. They really have no idea how I feel about my current job. Although it pays well and I am gaining a lot of good experience, I have a manager that is overbearing and a control-freak. I am sometimes treated like a child, I get annoyed by the hours, it's getting more stressful, there's no possibility of movement because I will be stuck with my manager as long as I stay with this company. I really don't have the flexibility that my other co-workers do (meaning cannot work from home or cannot just leave early due to lack of work, heck it's like pulling teeth to leave an hour or two early the day before a holiday...) I am now doing the work of at least two people if not three. And besides all that, this job is not what I want to do for the next 20 years. Why is that so hard for my parents to understand/accept? Whatever, I will do this because this is what I want and I need to put myself first. You only live once, right?
Anyway, I didn't expect this blog would become a bitch-fest about my job. And understand, I know there are people with much more stressful or annoying jobs than I have. But, I just want to something I like to do because we're talking about the rest of my life. I already regret not finishing school twice. I'm not going to strike out.
*deep breath*
This Saturday I have a Pep Rally to go to. It's because I signed up to volunteer during Super Bowl time. There is something going on at Cobo Hall, some sort of carnival/convention type thing for out-of-towners to entertain themselves while in D-town. Of course, in-towners can go too, but I don't know any details yet. I'll let you all know what it is and when so maybe you can come visit me while I'm doing my volunteer thing. I thought it would be fun and a good way to meet people as well as experience the Super Bowl atmosphere. Maybe I'll meet some handsome, rich guy from out-of-state and my charm will sweep him off his feet and he'll take me to the Super Bowl game and then off to travel the world. Or I'll just make fun people like I do at Cedar Point :)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Good News
Subject: Readmission to MSU: Welcome Back!
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 14:42:26 -0500
Dear Jaclynne XXXXXXXX
Welcome back to Michigan State University!
Your application for readmission has been approved at the Bachelors level in Clinical Laboratory Sciences beginning FS06 Semester.
I am very pleased. Too bad my parents are freaking out and acting like I'm 16 and pregnant.
Anyway, so much to do between now and August. What am I getting myself into??
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 14:42:26 -0500
Dear Jaclynne XXXXXXXX
Welcome back to Michigan State University!
Your application for readmission has been approved at the Bachelors level in Clinical Laboratory Sciences beginning FS06 Semester.
I am very pleased. Too bad my parents are freaking out and acting like I'm 16 and pregnant.
Anyway, so much to do between now and August. What am I getting myself into??
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year
Well, another one bites the dust. I dont mind really; I can't say that 2005 was all that great for me. But I am ready to start anew. Here are a few pictures from last night:

All pics can be viewed at:
Happy 2006 Everyone!

All pics can be viewed at:
Happy 2006 Everyone!
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