Thursday, November 10, 2005


Although I did not see any "Thug Life" stickers on my way to work, I did see "It's a Child...Not a Choice". Nothing like a good pro-life statement first thing in the morning. Joy.

Anyway, I finished HP 4 last night. Very good; I enjoyed it very much. The death in this book was somewhat predictable and not very "earth shattering" but sad nonetheless. I am ready for book 5 now. I don't know how anyone could read these books then wait a year or more for the next one to come out to find out what happens next. Voldemort is alive... now what!!?!??!?!? Anyway, I went back and watched the third movie just because. I was a little disappointed because there was a lot of detail from the book left out. I understand they can't squeeze all of it into a 2 hour movie, but that only means I'm a little skiddish about seeing #4 when it comes out. Everything in the book is important so I don't know what they could skip to keep within a reasonable timeframe... Guess we'll just have to see.

Outside of work and reading Harry Potter, I haven't done anything this week. I did go to the grocery store and took Louie to Petco for food, but that's not exciting at all. I'm getting a little perturbed with Louie lately. Don't get me wrong, he's still my baby and I love him and wouldn't trade him for the world - but he's almost a year now and we still have some issues with going potty in the house and not lifting his leg therefore peeing on himself almost everytime. We take him out a lot and so I don't understand the need to go in the house. I do get that he might be confused by the litter boxes or the fact that our basement is dirty and smelly and needs major cleaning because of the cats, but is that it; is that the reason for it? Any dog experts out there with advice? We are never gone more than a couple hours and we always take them outside before we leave. I'm so confused. The joys of puppy parenthood. I'm sure you all enjoyed reading about my puppy potty problems. Sorry.

This weekend will be a good one. Comedy Club entertainment and hanging out with friends - who could ask for anything more? See you all tomorrow!


The Judge said...

Don't forget he's still sort of new at roaming the house while you're gone - he was crated for a long time. He'll get the hang of it.


P.S. You can borrow my copy of Order of the Phoenix if you'd like. I'll bring it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I hope things get better. Beckie said Louie is used to being crated...are you against keeping him in the crate during the day? Just curious. I've read that they will do whatever they can not to soil their bed, so maybe he'd be more likely to hold it if he was in his crate?
We just keep Haku in the crate while we're at work...we haven't gotten brave enough yet to let him out while we're gone. He does sleep with us now, though, and sleeps all night. :)
RE: holiday plans...we aren't coming home for Thanksgiving but we will be home for Christmas. We will have to plan a puppy-meeting festival with you and with Tree. My brother might also have a puppy or two by then, too. What an interesting Christmas this will be. ha ha!!