Well, I'm back from my whirlwind trip to Phoenix. And it was just that. I arrived Friday afternoon. My cousin picked me up and we went to grab a bite to eat (Jack in the Box - YUM!!) and then to the grocery store to pick up essentials like alcohol, potato chips and bagels. We then went to his apartment and killed time until it was bar time. We headed to a place called The Lighthouse. It was OK, but it had no atmosphere. When we arrived it was Karaoke time. I hate Karaoke. Not just because I am a horrible singer and refuse to do it myself, but because everyone else (well, 6 out of 7) is horrible and should be shot for picking up the microphone. I do not find tone-deaf, drunk people muttering into a loud speaker very enjoyable. Anyway... after a while the other side of the bar became club-like. Playing some hip-hop/dance music. I suddenly felt like I was at Waves (minus the atmosphere). We stayed until close and surprisingly after 5 Yager bombs I wasn't tipsy at all.
Saturday morning we woke up to watch the MSU football game. I should have stayed in bed. They lost (AGAIN) and the season is now shot to shit and I have no desire to watch any other games this season. Only MSU would start with 4-0 record and NOT be eligible for a Bowl game at the end of the season. Woohoo, way to go John L.
After the game my cousin took me out the Scottsdale. It is equivalent to Bloomfield Hills - the upper class part of town. We went to a couple of malls. It was nice because the weather was beautiful and the malls were not enclosed. Then we grabbed some dinner and got ready to head out for night #2. This time we went to a much better bar. It was like a club here at home. Good music, good atmosphere. I also enjoyed all the free drinks :) Again, I had several Yager bombs and some shots. I danced with one guy's girlfriend and had a good time. I talked to a cute boy (24 yr old Alabama boy) but there was no making out as I had initially hoped for. But I really didn't care. I was just hanging out. It was really nice to see my cousin. He won't be home until Christmas. And he is talking crazy- saying he wants to volunteer to go to Iraq. He doesn't feel like he is serving his country where he is right now. That darn military - brainwashing our youth!! I told him he can't serve his country if he's dead... Really, I guess I know why he feels that way, but I really don't want to wake up every morning knowing that I have family over there ; just waiting for bad news. Granted, he's not a pilot or a combat person, but over there, anything goes. They could make him do anything even if he isn't trained for it. That is scary to me. Anyway, I don't want to get on a soapbox about my feelings about the war. I just know I don't want my family to be over there.
I got home last night just in time for DH and GA. Good shows. It is now Monday and I am at work and it feels as though I never left. Well, I didn't really...
I read a about 500 pages of HP 4 over the weekend and should be done very soon so I can see the movie when it opens. It is definitely better than the first 3 - in my opinion.