Friday, July 21, 2006

I bite my thumb at you...

MySpace - I don't like it. Apparently all of my friends are too cool to blog anymore, they are all on MySpace (well, they still blog a little, but I know they're on MySpace a lot more...) I do not go on MySpace, so I am no longer hip to the interesting things they are talking about. I'm missing out on funny dog walking stories and surveys and such. Oh well, I guess I'll just be the lame friend who doesn't know what's going on...

Anyway, here are a few things that have happened since my last update:
  • Camping - see Sarah or Jessica's blogs
  • Cedar Point - Fun but hot. The Millenium Force was broken, we waited 2 hours for the Dragster (because it broke too) and the new ride was tres cool. I also had a yummy Mojito at TGIFridays.
  • Orientation - I had to take a reading and math apptitude test; I was not happy. They feel I would benefit from taking pre-algebra - HA - no way, won't do it. I took Calculus at MSU for goodness sake. I am scheduled to take PSY 101 (again), Anatomy & Physiology and Medical Terminology. Classes begin September 25.
  • Dentist Appointment - I was referred to an orthodontist for a consultation...braces might be in my near future. That's what I get for never wearing my retainer after my first experience with braces...
  • Tiger Game - Same as CP, it was fun but hot. VERY hot. We were melting, but the drinks were good and the company was great. I also enjoy the fireworks - unlike some un-named people...Ryan.
  • Family Dinner - I don't go very often anymore, but I went this week because it was my grandparents 59th wedding anniversary. I can't begin to imagine being with the same person that long! I think it's great. We made fun of them because we had to host a 40 AND a 50-year anniversay party because my grandparents keep saying they are living on borrowed time - we would like to know what bankthey get their loans from - haha. My grandpa is 87 even though his parents didn't live past 60. Needless to say, we are getting ready to start planning for next year's 60th party.

This weekend is the bachelorette party for our friend, Darcy. It will be "Da Bomb". I am going to attempt to make Sangria, wish me luck. I am already planning the hangover on Sunday...I just hope I don't throw up.

On that note, have a nice day.


The Judge said...

Oh, Jackie. Don't be silly. You'll throw up.


P.S. You can make your MySpace profile private.

The W-spot said...

I blog still! I hope you don't throw up either! I don't like sick Jackie :) I wish Beckie was coming, I wonder if you will erase her number again. haha

Anonymous said...

I was going to tell you that about Myspace can make it so only your friends can see it. Come to the dark side! (although I don't write there much more than the other place)
Ummm, I'm glad you had fun at CP & Tiger game. It was good to talk to you the other day. I can't wait for you-know-what.

Unknown said...

MySpace... come back to the dark side...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just thought of was you who first invited me to get your booty back over there!