Monday, October 09, 2006

Moment of Flattery

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted...mainly because there's not much to update. I started school a couple weeks ago. I am now very tired because I'm not used to the schedule. The classes are very easy, almost as easier than high school... In Anatomy & Physiology my teacher will lecture and say "remember this, it's going to be on the test" or "you don't need to memorize this, it won't be on the test" - uh, ok. As for psychology, that class is going to be my worst, not the hardest, just the worst. See, I didn't go to the first class because I was way too tired and slightly hungover from the b-day extravaganza. I was so paranoid about missing that I read the first two chapters in time for the second class, hoping to be prepared for a test. Well, in the second class, I found out they covered chapters 1 & 3 - d'oh! Luckily, the teacher lectured about chapter 3 before the break and gave the test right after AND it was an open book test. The way my PSY 101 class is set-up, our homework is to read a chapter (this week is chapter 4), then during the next class she will discuss/lecture on ch. 4 and then we will have a test on ch. 4 the same day. I don't know if all of the tests will be open book, but I still find it is rather easy. Too bad I'm not going to that class this week either. There is a football game and I don't want to miss the tailgate. This means I will have missed 2 of the first 3 classes and will have to miss a class in November due to my Mexico trip. I have done the math, and since I get to drop one of the lowest test scores (which will be a zero), if I get 95% on all the other tests, I will still get 81% or a B-. And since I don't care, that is fine by me. My third class is Medical Terminology. This will be slightly more challanging, but is still rather easy. The teacher is funny and our class is actually learning stuff.

Anyway, this school thing is now up in the air for me. See, this new college has not counted any credits for classes I have taken in the past. If they still refuse to accept any of these credits after I meet with my advisor next week, then I'm going to just go back to Henry Ford CC since that's where I have all the credits. If I go back to HFCC, I might have to wait until next fall to slip back into the Surgical Tech program which will postpone my internship another year, which sucks, but if I save money by not having to re-take 4-6 classes, so be it. Also, if that's the case, it gives Sarah and I more time to sell the house and we won't have to worry about the pressure of selling really fast in such a bad market. This school and house stuff is so annoying, but I know it will be worth it in the long run.

As for this past weekend, it was the MSU/UM football game. Most MSU fans knew that UM would win. Heck, they're the better team, they should, but I was irked by some of the calls and the lack of coaching. It was so frustrating I just focused my attention on the Tiger game. And how 'bout them Tigers. I think it's great. I drove over to East Lansing to watch the games at the bar with Danielle and her co-worker/friend. It was fun. On my drive home, I was talking to Beckie on the phone and got mad at this car because I was trying to pass it and it wouldn't let me, so I slowed down the let it go by and it slowed down. I was annoyed so I got off the phone and finally passed the car. A few moments later, I noticed the same car next to me on the left and realized someone was waving at me. I looked over and the guy from the backseat (it was a 2-door Cavalier) was hanging out the window, waving his arms to get my attention! They wanted me to roll down my window, but I felt the situation was rather unsafe and just shook my head "no". The guy got back into the car and they shurgged their shoulders and I pulled away. For some reason, I was then immediately regretful that I didn't roll down my window. I'm sure they were 22 and just being crazy, but I never do anything crazy anymore and was bummed about that. But then, the 30-year old in me said it was best because I was alone and what would have really come of the situation anyway? I just decided to accept it as a moment of flattery...three young boys thought I was cute enough (in the dark, from 20 feet away) to hang out the window of a moving car to try to talk to me. Lucky me.

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