Thursday, September 07, 2006


I went to the bookstore today to check on the price of my books - and for two classes they want $375 in books! This doesn't include my psychology class at the other campus. They are truly insane. AND, of cousre they don't have any used books. The bookstore opened on Tuesday, so I know it's not that the used books are gone, it's that they didn't have any to start with! Bastards. I have already checked online and through eBay I can get the same books for $150 - that's 60% cheaper. Outrageous. What a scam. Bastards.


Anonymous said...

I know. Books should never be purchased through bookstores. A lot of my books were cheaper than the used books if purchased on

I bought a book online for $8 that the bookstore wanted $90 for.


The Judge said...

Make sure the ones on Ebay are the right edition.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is quite a racket. For some reason it hasn't occurred to me to check amazon and stuff. At least now I can for my last semester. That's annoying. Good call on being saavy. :-)
hey, this word verification I have to type in (to verify I am a human) looks like a Polish last name! "cpzbapk" what the heck? ;-) ha ha