Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Apple Jacks

Just a couple updates to share:

1) I was in Chicago this past weekend with two friends from high school. They are the only two people I keep in touch with from HS and they are both married. It was fun, we were able to all get away from our day-to-day annoyances (is that even a word??). Anyway, we ate at the Cheesecake Factory, went to the aquarium and Navy Pier and did some shopping on Michigan Ave. We didn't go out to any bars because Friday was a long day of travel and Saturday we walked all day long. I will say it was a little strange not going out. I know if I was with Sarah we would hit the bars dispite any tired legs or sore feet :) I didn't mind though. I quite enjoy being lazy on the weekends, especially when I'm on vacation.

2) I am in the process of looking for a new job. Most likely I will easily find a new adminstrative position with the same company - I have a good reputation and I will get a good recommendation from L. But I'm not totally ruling out going somewhere else if an opportunity presents itself. I'm actully looking forward to the change. I felt swamped everyday and didn't see any relief in sight. But in gaining a new manager, I will be able to have a normal admin job with will allow me to work normal hours and make time for school. We are aiming for me to have a new job by July 1.

3) I applied to Baker College. I will be going back to school for sure in the fall. Baker College has several campuses, one right in Clinton Township. I still have to make my final decision what I'm going back for. The options being - finish my Bachelors degree in Business Administration or go back into Surgical Technology. I'm not sure yet, but am leaning towards ST. I kind of reget not finishing it the first time around, so I think I want to finish that and get into a career that I will truly enjoy.


The W-spot said...

Yay! I remember when you were going to school for ST. You had to take your nice nails off :)

Anonymous said...

Yay from me too. I'm glad you had fun. :-) I hope you really go back for ST and get into something you'll like. It's a good feeling (even just with my school and interning). Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Surgical Technology!
Surgical Technology!
Go girl!