Monday, February 27, 2006

"Working for the Weekend" (Loverboy)

Or in my case, working on the weekend. Yep, I worked an 8-hour day yesterday. It was shitty. I even had plans that my manager asked me to cancel. I was quite angry with the situation. When I agreed to work, I thought I was going to work for about an hour (from 9-10am) but got sucked into these horrid meetings and before I knew it, it was 5:00. What was even more annoying was that I really didn't need to sit on the calls. As they discussed things and figured out what the hell they were doing, I updated a presentation. They could have easily had these meetings without me and summarized the changes in one email. But my boss doesn't think like that. I'm sure part of her thought 'if I have to work, eveyone else does too'. Another part of her just doesn't get it. She makes things more difficult than they should be. I think it's about time to tell her about school. She really needs to realize I will not be here forever and has to find another way of doing things. Plus, maybe she'll be up front and tell me about her relocation plans finally. My biggest fear with that though, is I might have to go to Texas for a couple weeks to train somebody... That's not for sure, it's just my thinking. I'll have to be sure not to mention that because she might not think of it and I don't want to give her any ideas.

Anyway, if I subtract Sunday from the equation, I had a fun weekend. Friday I ran errands and went out with Sarah, Jessica and Beckie that night. We started at Posh in Ferndale. We were 4 of the 10 people in the entire bar. The bartender said Saturdays were better so Jessica and I planned to come back. The four of us finally ended up in Mt. Clemens for some drinks and dancing. And of course we ate at Denny's on the way home. On Saturday, Sarah and I slept in until almost 1:00. Sarah had to work at Panera - boo. I was basically lazy all day. Planned to take Louie for a walk and go to the bank, but never did. I had to work on Saturday also, but for only 45 minutes (which is why I agreed to work Sunday; I thought it would be the same thing). Jessica, Sarah and I went back to Posh. We were amazed at the differece from Friday night. The place was packed, there was a line and we had to park a block away. The good thing was that ladies get in first. If ladies come with guys, then those guys can get in without waiting in line. So these dudes asked if they could go in with us so they didn't have to wait. We said no, but then they offered to pay our $10 cover, so we said ok. One dude tried to get out of paying, but Jessica put him in his place and we all got in for free. The crowd wasn't the ideal crowd for meeting people, but the music was good and I liked the bar's set-up. Beckie and Susan met us up there for a short time. I had fun that night just dancing with the girls :)

Looking forward to this weekend coming up. Anna is coming home and bringing her new beau. We'll be headed to the bar(s) again. Two weekends in a row, wow, I can't remember the last time I went to the bar this much...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?"

I have ever truly bitched about work and my frustration? I'm sure you all understand how I hate my job from the few posts I've mentioned it, but I'd like to say it again. I hate my f-ing job. It has become an absolute joke. Today I spent the day reformatting charts. We already had the charts and the data, but my boss wanted the rows to be the columns and the columns to be the rows so I had to re-do the whole thing. Then when I got done, the numbers in the charts changed. Then I created these other chart that show a calendar and what activities happen when. Well, these are not done easily, but of course about 30 mins after I finished them, the dates changed and I had to do this over again. My job revolves around rework. If I did everything only once, I'd seriously only work 2 hours a day. I took tomorrow off because I'm one hair away from walking off the job. I know I don't have to do this much longer, but it's still another 6 months so I have to suck it up. I have heard multiple rumors that my boss will be relocating to Texas but she has yet to say anything to me about it. Even though I have taken phone calls from real estate, saw emails and also caught her looking at houses online... I'm kind of annoyed that she hasn't told me, even if she's just thinking about it. Um, it kind of effects my job too. But she doesn't think of others around her, it's all about her. I can't wait for the day she tells me and says she wants me to come with her and I say "Oh No, Hell No!" Although, it is awfully presumptuous of me to think she would want me to go; I would be really shocked if she didn't ask. Anyway, I'm just sitting at my desk like the good, little employee that I am waiting for her finish her meeting so I can find out what new action items I have to complete. Well, of course that means I'll be here until 8:00 because nothing will be able to wait until Monday. AND - I had scheduled an URGENT financial meeting on Wednesday which she moved to today which she again moved to tomorrow. Did I mention I'm off tomorrow? Does she think I'm going to dial into a call on my day off? I don't think so. That will be a fun reminder when I leave tonight. I wish I could just not say anything but I will get hell on Monday because the meeting will be a total waste without me there. Not my problem. She knew I was off since the beginning of the week. (sigh) Are you still even reading the post? I can't believe I'm even still writing about this. So I'll stop.

This weekend will be nice. Tomorrow I will be running errands (doctor appointment, nail appointment, get my taxes done and probably go shopping somewhere in there). Saturday I have no plans, but I'm sure something will come up. Or maybe I'll lay on my lazy butt all freakin' day... Sunday I'm having lunch with Trina while we watch MSU lose yet another basketball game. Then I'll go to my parents house to see the fam. What an exciting life I lead - aren't you jealous? I know, me neither.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cheap Gas Finder

Just enter your zip code in the site below, and it tells you which gas stations have the cheapest prices (and the highest) on gas in your zip code area. It's updated every evening.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Friday I got stuck at work until 7:15pm. I was annoyed but looking forward to Jessica and I heading to 5th Avenue in Novi to meet up with most of the TNOF gang. It was good to see Ryan and Jay since it had been awhile. I like the atmosphere at 5th Ave, but it's kind of far away. I wish I still lived in Novi. I really liked that area and it reminds me of the good ol' times. Too bad we had to grow-up and become mature and responsible.

On Saturday I went shopping at Target and then went to my parents' house. My sister-in-law has started selling Tastefully Simple. Since my brother is still out of work, they can use any extra money they can get these days... The food was amazingly tasty. They have really yummy desserts (brownies and apple cake, mmmm). We also had samples of salad dressing and pasta seasonings and beer bread and dips and soups. All of it was good. While there I kept track of the MSU/UM basketball score. I did not watch the game because I decided to boycott after their last 4 unexplained losses. MSU won by 20 points [sigh of relief]. I just hope they can fix their "on the road" issues and win some games when they're not at home. Anyway, after the game I went home hoping to go out. Sarah was exhausted, quite understandably, so we just watched In Her Shoes. When Sarah fell asleep, I watch some episodes of Friends and headed off to bed.

Yesterday was a nice day. I'm not referring to the weather (friggin' freezing!!). I went with Sarah and Darren to Zac's b-day lunch/dinner. We went to Outback and it was very yummy. After we stuffed ourselves to the gills, we went home and watched the second Zorro movie (not very good). We decided we were going to head up to Woody's since Sarah was off today (she gets President's Day but not Good Friday...???) and I still needed to fulfill my urge to go out from the night before. It was fun. Beckie came with us and we danced and had fun. Beckie and I left at 12:30 since I had to get up for work. We made the quickest drive-thru White Castle on our way home. And I surprisingly woke up at 7:30 this morning and feel rested. Probably has to do with the 20 hours of sleep I got over the weekend.

Friday, February 17, 2006

What do you think of me?

Bad Things

Good Things

What a Monster

Your Monster Profile

Basilisk Slimer

You Feast On: Olives

You Lurk Around In: Las Vegas

You Especially Like to Torment: Lawyers

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Be Anyone in Las Vegas

My New Identity:

Origin: KANSAS
Profession: Hip Hop Producer
View my Vegas Identity

Monday, February 13, 2006

Jimmy Johns

As I sit and finish my Jimmy John's sub (Turkey Tom - mmm) I'm thinking about all of the things I should be doing, but have decided to do none of them. I'm so burned out, I don't care anymore. Since I'm not swamped right now I could accomplish a few things but just don't feel like it. So, I'm posting.

This weekend was nice and lazy. Friday night I had Red Lobster for dinner. I hadn't been there since my b-day so it was long overdue. Then I went to see Brokeback Mountain. I thought it was good, the actors did do a superb job. Now I want to see some of the other Oscar-nominated movies. Walk the Line the most. Anyway, after the movie we went home and sat around until about 1 and went to bed. Saturday I went to Target and the mall. I came home and sat on the couch the rest of the night. I watched some college basketball, some Olympics and started reading Harry Potter book 6. By 12:30 I was ready for bed. Sunday was Julie's awesome brunch then dinner at my parents'. Although, I didn't eat dinner because I was stuffed from brunch, so I only had dessert. I came home and read a little then watched Elizabethtown with Sarah before Grey's Anatomy. Good episode, however, I was unhappy with the end. Why would he drive all the way over to her house just to say "I'm glad you didn't die today"? Grrr, he needs to dump his annoying wife and get back with Meredith.

Anyway, now I am at work, doing nothing. I like it that way. I'm going to go look busy now.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ever Feel Like This?

Playing Catch-up

Well, I haven't told my manager about school yet. I have decided to wait. I'm filling out my financial aid application and scheduled my advisor appointment. I figure once I have better line of sight to what I'm really getting myself into, I will be able to inform her. Until I know how many classes I really have left and how much money I will have to come up with on my own; I really can't make my final decision on school. Don't get me wrong, I really want to go back, but I want to be smart about it. It wouldn't make sense to quit my job if I can't make ends meet while in school. At least, that's what I told my parents. They're afraid I'll quit and live in a box or something. Anyway, only time will tell.

Since Buffalo, I've been busy. Work has been completely hellish. Last week I worked until 9pm on Monday and 8pm on Tuesday. It's that time of year for financials, and financials suck. I hate it. We have to update what we forecast we will spend and then fill out 12 different reports explaining the numbers. It's absolutely horrible. Also, there is an activity going on here that is supposed to be a big help for our big clients but of course it's all messed up and nothing is in order. I haven't figured out why they would talk about a program and start the program and then try to figure out how many people we need and what people need to do to accomplish the goal. Personally, I would plan the project, then figure out the people and then start it. But, who am I? Just a peon, I don't know anything. It's sucks.

Anyway, Super Bowl weekend was fun. I did end up volunteering for the SB Host Committee at the NFL Experience at Cobo. Friday night I was in the Kid Zone. It was fun, but I was very tired. I spent 4 hours playing with kids and throwing and catching footballs. On Saturday I was sent to the exit doors where myself and another girl were passing out small, event guide/newspapers. We saw a lot of people and gave a lot of directions. We also saw a lot of football players coming and going. We had no idea who they were by name, but they were large, black men wearing lots of bling and surrounded by security. The highlight of my weekend was when I looked up to hand out a newspaper and the person I was giving it to was Jay Mohr. He was short, but as cute in person as on screen. It was unexpected so I didn't know what to sat so I just said "hi" and gave him the thingy. After he looked at it, he realized he didn't want it and gave it back nicely by saying "I don't want to just throw this away. thank you." It was cool because I honestly didn't think I would see anyone "famous" all weekend even though there were supposed to be people all over the place.

It was interesting to be downtown during the chaos. I decided to chuck the shuttle idea when I got to the mall and the line was a mile long. I drove downtown and was fortunate enough to park very easily for only $5. The people mover was quite crowded, but I was willing to wait since I didn't get stuck in the shuttle craze. I didn't walk around the winter blast because the weather was too yucky but heard that was pretty cool.

Saturday might I went out with Beckie to Novi. Jenn met us at the bar and we ran into the foolery as Beckie explained in her blog. I had fun that night (minus the jerky boy that I didn't pay any attention to).

For the Super Bowl, we had a couple people come over. No big party, it was nice to hang out and watch the game. I liked the commercials, thought they were funny. Many people didn't think so, but I laughed at several of them. I liked the Ameriquest ones the best ("Don't judge too quickly") and of course the FedEx one with the cavemen/dinosaurs.

This week has been a little better, not working quite so late although I was here until 7 last night. My manager has to go to court tomorrow for a deposition (ex-employee suing for wrongful termination) so I'm excited she will be out of pocket all day. I will actually get some work done! :)

I don't know what I'm doing this weekend. I am getting my hairs cut tomorrow after work, then probably catching a movie. Saturday I just don't know and Sunday is brunch at John/Julie's then dinner at my parents' house.

Oh, and I'm going to Vegas in March. Thank goodness for vacations. Now that I have something to look forward to, I might not go insane.